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September 27, 2024, 06:34:14 PM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Jackie - Thank you for the kind words and the hug. Very much appreciated. ❤️

Jenny - Thank you to you also!  Glad you had a nice Mother's Day, and that you received such a bounty of flowers!  It's always great when the house looks and smells like a florist shop! :rosegal:  Good that the grand kids are doing well, and will be able to fend for themselves over the Summer.  Is Kate continuing on with her dancing?



Marilyne,   I think that loosing a friend is a tragic
and very difficult loss to get over.   

Or maybe, never get over ..   Sorry to hear
that you lost one of yours. 


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Marilyne, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your longtime friend.

After a dry spell of not much going on, things here will liven up shortly. I am about to embark on a kitchen remodel that is sure to upset the cats for a few weeks.  I have at least six weeks to get things moved out of the kitchen, pick out and buy new flooring, a dishwasher, and a new kitchen faucet. The contractor will pick them up and install them, along with new cabinets (six to eight week wait), countertop, more outlets, and drywall over my old plaster wall.

Spotted yesterday, a female catbird and a congregation of either house finches or purple finches. I hope to get a better look at them today. Avian flu is spreading here. Around 100 black vultures were found dead near the Conowingo Damm on the Susquehanna River in Maryland. So far, the Avian flu has shown up only in Berks and Lancaster counties, two of which are duck breeders. Part of Lancaster County borders the Susquehanna.


Marilyne - i'm so sorry. Hopefully, the Memorial Service brought back  many good memories.

Jenny - How is your week with the children going?

Jackie - Good to see you. Is that a new avatar? Very nice.

MarsGal - I don't envy what you'll go through with the kitchen renovation but you'll love it when it's finished!

Sandy - I'm guessing you're  having some warm weather. They are sweltering in Vermont today! Temps in the 80s and even reaching 90 in  places.

We've been having beautiful weather. It started to rain just before dark.

Hoping to hear from MaryPage, Jean, Callie, Amy, Rammel and Tomreader soon. I probably missed someone!

You may have heard of the baby formula shortage. Brynn is running low on supplies. The twins, being preemies with digestive issues, need a special formula. She also breast feeds but it's not enough. Chris' mother in Wyoming was only able to find one can but she's sending it on. Donna and Mike drove to Mt. Dora to buy the last two cans at a Target store there. She'll mail them tomorrow. So far we haven't been able to find anymore. This has become a big problem all over the country. Hope they find a solution.


Fortunately Beverly, the heat has not
reached us here on the Rocky Coast. 

Thank Goodness,  I hate the heat. 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


MarsGal - Looks like you're doing the full kitchen remodel, which is the way to go.   I wish we had done it, many years ago, but instead just went with a few improvements along the way.  Refinished the cabinets, new flooring, stove top, fan, etc.   The big mistake was not tearing out and replacing the tile countertops, backsplash, and sink!   I spend lots of time now, sitting at the kitchen table, and visualizing all the things that should have been done, but never were.     

Beverly - I saw a TV news show tonight talking about the baby formula crisis, and how it looks hopeless right now. I hadn't thought about how difficult it will be for preemies, or other babies that have special nutritional needs!  I hope that Brynn will continue to get help from friends and relatives finding what she needs for the twins..  It's one of so many things that are going wrong in America, right now.

Sandy - good to see you posting here yesterday and today.  Your weather sounds about like ours here in Northern California . . . cool and windy, with everyone still wearing sweaters.  However, tomorrow things will be changing, and a big warm-up is expected over the weekend.

Thank you to all three of you, for the kind words about the passing of my former college roommate, and dear friend, Joye.         


Saw this via  " shoutbox " Christian Photographers forum, re, our S & F's member Carol...Copy pasted below...

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know.Apr 29 2022 11:35pm


Jackie -  Thank you for posting the message from Carol.  I remember her, and that she always mentioned her husband, Don.   I didn't know her on a personal level, as I think she posted mainly in Soda Shoppe?   She was a good friend of Jenny's.  I think that they all live,  (or lived), in the same community outside of Denver?   I hope Jenny comes into S&F today and sees your message.


...yes, Jenny had mentioned to me on the day we met that she and Carol had met and they lived close to each other...or close enough to meet - up...


We have such devastating news regarding our youngest daughter.  She lives just a few blocks from us.  She has been in and out of the hospital for some weeks.  She had a spinal biopsy a week or so ago and has been diagnosed with spinal cancer.  They have her on pain management.  She is the baby of the family and her older brother and sister will be here in a couple of days.  So far she is not getting much encouragement from the doctors.  Her husband has been just wonderful through the whole thing.  I think she is taking the news better than we are.


Jean -  So sorry to hear that sad news about Gigi!  It sounds very bad, and I'm hoping that there is a chemo or radiation treatment, that she will be able to take?  Good that your other two adult children will be there for support.   I will be thinking about you and Larry, and the rest of family, and sending prayers for Gigi.   


Jean, My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Glad the siblings are coming and hope the doctors can find a treatment that will help.

Jackie, I'm so sorry to learn about Carol's husband. Thank you for sharing. Do you know if he had been ill?  My thoughts and prayers are with her, also.

MarsGal, My kitchen is okay but I'd love to have it updated.  Don't think I could stand the mess, though.

Bad enough that the chain broke on one of the Roman blinds - the one right in the middle of three large windows. I got them through a Penney's decorator about 8 years ago and can't get through to find out if the local Penney's even has a decorator nowadays.  Did discover the company that manufactured the blinds has "permanently closed".  :(  Fortunately, it stuck half way down so, right now, I'm taping a big trash bag over the bare part at night.

Son installed a small sprinkler system this morning that hooks up to my outdoor faucet so I won't have to haul the hose around to water the "pot" garden. Since the beds with the planters are filled with white rocks, he put a tiny sprinkler head in each of the pots.
 The flowers in them that other son/dil planted last week are doing well and the perennials in their bed are HUGE! Looks as if the hydrangea is about ready to bloom; hope putting Epsom Salts on it (as son suggested) will make the blooms blue.

And that's what's going on in my little corner of the world. 


...that is all the info i have about Carol and hubby...and i only saw that by suddenly clicking on " shout " something i dont ordinarily use...

...oh so sorry to hear of this news of your " younger " daughter, sending a ((( hug ))) to you...


Jean that is terrible news indeed. I am sorry to hear that the doctors don't seem to think they can do much about it. Not even laser surgery???


Oh Jean, I know you are suffused with sadness at this time.  We do not give birth and nurture with the expectation of such miserable news down the road.  I am hugging you and your children and will continue to do so.  Wish you a miracle, if that's what it is going to take.


Jackie - Thanks for letting us know about Carol's husband, Don.

Jean - I am so sorry. I'm praying for a miracle for Gigi. Which hospital is she in?


I decided to check around Seniors just now, keeping up with living is the best I can do the last couple years and be age or Covid, a lot of sad/bad news lately.

Jean, I am so sorry about your youngest daughter, probably the worst fear any of us ever had, thought of losing a child. Thoughts & prayers for all of you, sincerely, and I do believe in miracles.

I'm pretty sure Carol's husband had the heart problems my husband had, we compared back before Cas died nearly 9 years ago. So sorry, I had not read Don was worse but thank you for sharing the news, Jackie. I haven't checked Christian Photographers for quite a while. I lost my password & couldn't get in last time I tried.

Callie, if you still like the blinds maybe you can get a "room darkner" pull down shade that will fit inside the window frame, that you can pull down for night & leave up under the Roman daytime. Back in the day I found them at K-Mart or "dime" store & they cut to the exact inside width. They had aluminum inside the "fabric" so made the rooms totally dark of outside light. The brackets mounted inside the facing of the window. My accordian blinds in the motorhome need to have all the plastic catches replaced that the cords tie to at the bottom. I had to do that with the Rialta, don't know why they use plastic on something that generally sits out in the sun! I discovered with the Rialta that sewing machine bobbins are the perfect size & have holes to tie the cords to, etc. and they are metal!

Also, I always heard to use alum powder to turn hydrangea blooms blue... Googled & says I'm right, but I didn't check if Epsom salt does the same & you know what a fan I am of Epsom salt!  I know your son is an expert but I wanted to know for myself so guess both work?

Beverly, it the shortage of formula gets critical I'll be glad to check here in Wichita & ship (with necessary data of what & deliver where). Have a feeling that will become a priority if the news media takes charge!

Marilyne, sorry about your best friend, mine died just a couple years after my husband and they both fought the same heart battles. So many memories we shared, I miss those times we laughed so hard talking about them. Hope the remodeling goes well, it should keep your mind busy during the process.

Wishing all a good night, remember it's the lunar eclipse/blood moon if you don't have cloud cover!


[ Good evening.  Busy day around here getting our patio cleaned up for the season.  We started early power washing the furniture, cushions and then the deck.  It took us hours and we are tired.  Yesterday we planted flowers in all the pots.  Another big job. Hopefully we can begin to enjoy some nice patio time.

The week with the children was good, BEVERLY. Our youngest son came to town and spent a couple of days with us.  It was nice to see him and the kiddos loved having him here too.  The baby formula shortage is very concerning. Our DIL plans to breast feed our grandson that is due in a couple of weeks but worries that if there is issues that she is unable to find and to purchase.  I would offer to look for some here for the twins but the shelves are empty😩😩

JEAN, I am so sad to read about your daughters health.  My thoughts and prayers go out for all of you.

JACKIE, I am shocked to read about the passing of Carol's Husband Don.  I can not believe Carol would not have let me know😩😩. How sad.   

Feeling ill as I think about your daughter, Jean and Don's passing😩

Have a good night of rest.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny -  I didn't realize that the new baby in the family, is due in two weeks!  Seems like only a month of so since you told us your dil was expecting.  How is little Jonah doing?  Haven't seen any pictures of him in a long time.

This morning I went grocery shopping at Safeway, and noticed that the shelf that once held baby formula, was totally empty.  Then when I was checking out, I saw that the formula had been moved up front into a locked cabinet, next to the cigarettes.  There were only about six or eight containers or boxes there.  I can understand why they have to keep it locked up and rationed . . . otherwise someone would come in and buy everything on the shelf.  People are getting desperate.  Other shelves that were empty or sparse, were the ones with baby food and diapers.

I hope some of you enjoyed seeing the lunar eclipse last night?  It was bright and beautiful here in California, but I know it wasn't visible to those of you with clouds or rain.  I hadn't seen anything like it in my long lifetime, so glad I had this opportunity.


Beverly, this information was on twitter so can't know whether or not this is possible BUT

There ie no shortage of baby formula in Canada and the information said to go to Amazon and then to the bottom of the page and go to Amazon Canada.  It says you can order the baby formula and it will be shipped right to your doorstep.  It did not say if duties would be collected and how much they would be.

Our daughter sent us a computer from Canada a few years ago and when it was deliver we paid $25 in duties.


Abbott which has produced the most baby formulas had been shut down recently by the FDA after four babies sickened and two died. The baby formula said to have been sent to the border was in reality powdered milk. Now Abbott and the FDA have reached an agreement per site conditions and re-production of formula.

F.D.A. and Abbott Reach Agreement on Baby Formula to Try to Ease Shortage
The company said production could resume in about 2 weeks and store shelves would be restocked several weeks later.




Thanks to all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts.  They have found that the cancer started in her breast.  Her last mamo show a dark spot.  I can't help wondering why this was not followed up.  She is seeing three different doctors this week and next.  We will see what further information she'll have.  When problems are found early so much more can be done.


This baby formula shortage gave me a real jump through the looking glass time warp when I heard it.  I am ashamed to say my enfeebled brain first decoded this problem with a thought that was beyond ridiculous, but a perfect example of my imperfectly working grey cells these days.  I said to myself and the world: "Why don't they get a goat." 

Then I had the thought that they could not use goats all over New York City and other urban places.

When my grandmother had her first child, my Aunt Hilda, they had, as most folks in the Shenandoah had at that time, a cow to supply the family with milk and butter and cheese.  Hilda could have died, because she was terribly allergic to cow's milk, but they bought a goat.  Not allergic to goat's milk, Hilda thrived.  And outlived all but the youngest of her siblings.

The first thing I would do, were I a young mother in need of feeding an infant, would be to arrange an expedition to the closest countryside, where I would begin by knocking on farmhouses.


By knocking on farmhouse doors.


Jean -  Good to see an update from you, that Gigi will be seeing other specialists this week.  Now that they have found where the cancer originated, I hope and pray that it will help them find the best possible treatment for her.

Mary Page -  rather than search for fresh goat milk, why not resort to the old fashioned way we made our own baby formula back in the late 50's and early 60's.   It consisted of Carnation condensed milk, Karo light syrup, and water.  I don't remember the exact amounts of each, but I do recall measuring carefully, stirring, cooking on the stovetop, and then carefully pouring this concoction through a funnel,  into already sterilized glass baby bottles.  Then cap and store in fridge, until needed. 

This routine was repeated every morning for many months - until the baby was ready for regular whole milk from the store.   That was baby "formula" back in those days.  I understand  that a different formula would be needed for preemies or babies with health problems?  Maybe those same ingredients, only substituting canned goat milk, or canned soy milk?   


I wonder how any of my Children lived with
me as their Mother. 

I never used formular.. 
I nursed for a couple of months,
then gave them whole milk.   Usually
with cereal in it so that they would
sleep the night.     

My kids grew up never having a weight
problem.   (Good genes,  I suppose)..
None of them had the bottle
after about 15 months..  (And that is a guess)

No one ever told me about formula
but fortunately for them they survived
this Mothering.     Again probably
good genes.    I gave them milk in a
cleAN Bottle,  lord knows where the
germs went, but they abandoned my kids,
even with mothering like I gave.   

I remember driving to Detroit from
Newburyport Mass,  with  my son Kirk
laying down in a porta crib in the back
of my car.   (no seat belts, of course) and
I gave him bottles full of Coke,  because
milk would make him sick drinking it
in a  hot car  (no AC)... 

He did super and slept like  a log the whole

Imagine that.     I don't know how my
kids survived my Mothering. 


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Marilyne, I remember that formula!  I never made it for my children, but we made it for one of my brothers back in 1945.  I do not remember the measurements of the ingredients, either: but your list of ingredients seems right on to me!

They don't feed babies real food for Ages now, but we were told to start baby food at three (3) weeks back when mine were born.  Rice cereal was the first, and then days later, applesauce.  In baby food jars, the apple sauce.  I cannot remember what came after those two.

Sandy Love, many did it your way.  That is fine when your babies do not require special formulas.  I am very upset at the news on TV about babies having to be hospitalized due to not having their special food.  The news was that one of them was being given water only until the hospital can acquire something better.  My heart about leaps out of my chest.


Marilyne and MaryPage,  I made something similar for #1 son because he had colic and couldn't handle Similac or Modilac.  I remember I had to bring the mixture to a simmer - and JUST a simmer; if I let it boil, I had to start over!  Thank goodness, he was able to go on regular milk by the time he was 4 months old.

We also started the rice cereal early and went to baby food not long after that.  I remember telling the doctor the different kinds of baby food I was getting and he said I really didn't need to use so many variations.  However, he agreed when I said I wanted son to get used to different tastes.

Wow, did he ever!!!!!  He grew to be 6'5" and weigh close to 200 pounds!!  This "baby" will be 60 in August!

Sandy, we also had a Porta Crib in the car and never thought about "tying him in" when we went from Colorado to Texas and Oklahoma and back again..


seat belts were not in use
when my oldest two were young.

They just had those little flimsy
seat that fit over the seat next to
the driver. 

How my oldest survived those "Good Ole days",
is a mystery to me.  I was just very very

How life changes through the ages. 


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Indeed, it does.  That is why I trust historical fiction that is written in and of the time the author writes about (Jane Austen, for instance), but really get upset reading any written hundreds or even thousands of years later.  It is just flat out impossible for writers to get it right, no matter how much research they put into the task.  I know I go bonkers reading books set in my lifetime that put phrases in people's mouths that we had not begun to use yet!  Oh well; get off your high horse, MaryPage!

But Marilyne writing of that easy formula reminded me.  I, like probably most of you, have a memory problem these days.  I KNEW we put together easily acquired items to make up a formula in our own kitchens, but could not recall the ingredients.  Thank you, Marilyne.  I expect if we could all get together around a kitchen table, we could patch up and restore all of our memories.  Marilyne was Right On!  So was Sandy!

I can remember my two year old son standing up on the back seat when I ran my errands with him in tow on the days that were MY days to have the car.  I remember his scruffy little white shoes and his hollaring out the name of cars we passed.  We never DID figure out how in the world he accumulated that particular information.  None of us taught him.  But he could yell out Oldsmobile and Studebaker and Volkswagon correctly and without hesitation, and be right!  Kids!

And no, he did not turn out to be the genius we all hope for.  Just an ordinarily bright kid.  Average.