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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 20, 2024, 11:19:20 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Odd emails. I have recently gotten two emails (phishing I am sure) with the picture of an UPS delivery van and guy asking me for additional information because they couldn't deliver my packages, this last one said it was because no one was here to sign for it. Interesting that they both showed up after I ordered the shelving, which I had already gotten, and the nightstand that isn't isn't being delivered until the beginning of May and is still marked on the way as opposed to out for delivery on Walmart's website. This is a bit disturbing. Now I am not so sure Walmart is a decent alternative to Amazon deliveries. I've had emails similar to this before, but they were never timed to any orders I have made nor to a specific online merchant. Coincidence? Neither Walmart nor the shipper were mentioned and UPS was implied only by the photo and a supposed tracking number (not mine) in the spam email . Gosh, you have to look very carefully anymore. I trashed the emails and checked Walmart for shipping updates.

It was/is a bit rainy and definitely foggy this morning. The temp is climbing quickly. It has gone up three degrees in the last half-hour. Well, the weather station did say it is going to 83o today. Definitely going to be a humid day.


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein



Last week Jenny/Denver posted one word - "post".   Then Rick followed with "Beam", followed by "joist", etc. etc. 
Last night Sasha posted "Miss Kitty", which reminded me of the old TV Western,  Gunsmoke.  So I followed with "Cowboy".    That should open the door to other words?  (or not?)


I think this idea for a game is a very good one.  But it seems that then it does make normal postings more difficult.
If people are interested, I  opened a new discussion in "Village Clubhouse~Place For Fun!" named ASSOCIATION.



Good idea Bubble. When I first did this I didn't think it would "stick". It was just a snap response.




Hi Y'all. I think about you a lot, but don't have a lot of opportunity to drop in to tell you that.
So here's a Big Hello. I'll reach 95 this month.  Various ailments have caused me to move in with a daughter, and her sister has flown in from Missouri to help out.  I am discovering a dozen or so new-to-me unpleasantries about old age.
Best to each & all, and I will try to drop in again.  MaryPage



Mary Page,   so good to see a message from you!  Sorry that you've been having some health problems, but good that you moved in with your daughter.  I think you said that she's a nurse, so that's what you probably need right now. 

I hope that you're comfortable there with her, and that you'll  begin to feel better soon.  Please write to us again, and let us know how you're doing?   We'll be looking forward to hearing from you. 


Of course, I looked in to see if I had any reactions, and here you are.  Thank you.  I DO have a daughter who is a retired nurse, but I have moved in with my retired French teacher, Debi.  Becky, who is with us from her home in Kansas City, Missouri, is a retired Second Grade teacher. I fiercely resent all of the indignities imposed by old age, but my forgettery, as I call it, is the most troublesome to my overall morale.  My brain is now like a series of once colorful rooms that have been whitewashed over.  Bummer!  Details told me with great care will disappear from what was once an operating brain in about two or less minutes now!
 Last week I finally agreed to wearing hearing aids, and the girls took me to a doctor for testing.  We will have the aids in about two weeks.  The doctor says they MAY help with the dementia.  I do so hope for that.  One thing I have learned from all of this unwanted turmoil:  if you have a talent, whatever it be, such as singing or drawing or painting, or, in my case, writing (Once upon a time I was a working journalist,) you will probably hold on to that.  Thus I am able to communicate by email with my family, still.  And here with you.  I can still call up the words, yet not in my speaking.  The hearing doctor says this is common.  Oh well!


Hello to seniors and Friends. Great to see many names in here from time long ago.  I am not very goodd with the computer these days and find I need to read the paper in the mornings when the morning light is best.  Time has come when I no longer go out of my room.  Have one son living very close so see him often.  At present he is away visiting Greece so I look for emails.
Interesting country that I never ever thought of visiting. Of course I have all the usual problems of this age of mine, hearing,sight, mobility.  Kate my grand daughter, a nurse practitioner, visits between working days which have been overloaded with this Covid.  Now it is the flu that we have had vaccinations for.  Her daughter,Ruby,has been of great interest to me since the day she was born Now 19, surprised all family with results at end of schooling and now in to her second year of Medical Science leading into doing Medicine. I hate to hear of that dreadful weather over there and was good you have that over, so far, all survived.  Our winter is creeping in,too fast for my liking.  Know I have not mentioned you all by name, but it takes me quite a while to write these days and to find my way here.  Special thoughts to Bubble and hope she is well.  Take care, all.


Great to see you Junee!
All is well with me, with age creeping in and... you all know what that means!
I hate winter and spring is late this late this year.

Take care, give news when you can.


Junee --- You probably don't remember me - because I'm a bad poster. I should write more but I'm not one of words. I like very much hearing from people all over our world. You all are what makes Seniors and Friends fun. Come back when you can. We miss your posts from "Down Under".



Junee . . . So nice to see your message this morning!   Good that all is well in your family,  and great  news that  Ruby, is studying to become a doctor!   Please return and keep us updated on how you're feeling. 

Mary Page . . . Hope we hear from you again today, and that you're feeling better.  I agree, it's no fun growing old, and having to depend on others.  No matter how many doctors we see and the myriad of medications we take, there is nothing that can turn back the hands of time.  I want very much to keep up with the news, but that's becoming too painful to deal with, so I've taken to watching the old movies on TCM, from the 1940's and 50's.  Two decades that I remember well.     


Hi, Junee.  I remember when you and Whimsy visited Oklahoma and seeing you at Bashes.
  Mobility issues and hearing loss keep me pretty well house-bound.  I communicate best with texts and read lots of e-books. I'm to be a Great Grandmother for the first time "any day now".
 Always good to see your post.

Same for MaryPage.  Hope your...is it your granddaughter?...with the restaurant near my family is doing well.  Dr. Emily, my granddaughter the chiropractor, has eaten there and said it's good!

  Really severe storms due in later this afternoon and overnight. More warnings on this than a week ago when there were 27 tornadoes-with-damage across the state.  Off to prepare my "hidey-hole".


Thank you, Callie.
That is my granddaughter Kim you speak of. I think she has more than one restaurant and another business.  Very successful, Our Kim.  Her 16 year old daughter has turned into both a great beauty, and a great brain.

I am suffering with a dreadful cold this morning.  Am headed for a nap.  The girls have tested me, and it is not Covid.


Junee, nice to see your latest post.

Callie, I hope the nasty weather I saw mentioned on the weather channels stays well away from you.

MaryPage, I hope your cold clears up quickly.


RAMMEL, OF COURSE i remember you.  You are one that has held this place together.  We are quickly moving into Winter with lots of rain.
CALLIE yes it was a great visit to Oklahoma and Ginnie and her daughter had that memorable dinner.  Great grand daughters are very interesting 
MARILYNE I agree the news is just dreadful, all over the world.  I am now dealing with hand problems,exercise helps .  MARY PAGE, so good you have family nearby and thank goodness it is not covit. It is still around.
MARSGAL, hope that move is over but I remember you by another name in another place.
I did wonder this evening if I was going to find this as sometimes I get lost. 


Junee, I still use Frybabe on SeniorLearn, but I changed it here a few years back. I forget why, but it probably had something to do with having trouble getting in after one of the website moves or upgrades.

Well, the rain is gone temporarily, but it will be back this later this afternoon. What it left for us this morning is fog. It isn't quite 8:30am yet but temp is at 63o. High is expected to be 78o, with tomorrow to get to 83o before it drops again for a few days. The humidity is high, but I opened the patio door anyway early this morning to listen to the birds chirping away. One thing I can say for this apartment building is that is is practically soundproof to the outdoor noises.


It was "wild and stormy" until after midnight but tornadoes were in Tulsa area...125 miles east.  OKC area had hail and heavy rain but not in my area.

Its sunny and calm today and son is coming to take me to appointments.

Enjoy your day, Everyfrend ;) 


Junee -  Good to see you found your way back today!  We love hearing from you, and hope to see you posting more often.  :thumbup: 

Mary Page - So sorry you caught the dreaded head cold, but I know your daughters are taking good care of you. Seems to be lots of colds this year. Are you staying with the daughter who had the bad house fire last year?  I remember that she lives closest to your condo?

Callie - What good news, that you will soon be a Great Grandmother!  I assume that the new mother is Emily?  Will it be a boy or a girl, or are they one of the rare couples who wants to wait and be surprised?  I'm sure the entire family is excited!

Mars - your temps sound about like ours.  It was cold and rainy over the weekend, but starting to warm up, and supposed to be in the 80's by tomorrow.  I remember back when you were Frybabe here in S&F.  I often look into Senior Learn, and see you there.


Marilyne, I forgot to mention to you that I discovered the other day that StreamTime Live has put up a live cam feed at Pier 23 in SF. It does not seem to rotate views. Oh, well. I guess that makes #10 for their live feeds. The blurb says that Pier 23 Café Restaurant is sponsoring the webcam.



Marilyne,  I haven't told very many people about the baby because all my friends automatically think it's Emily.

  It's actually Carson and his "Significant Other". Family had tried to talk them into having a small ceremony and a big reception with renewed vows later on.  However, they have other ideas so....  :-X    They've lived together for a couple of years and really are a devoted couple.
Cooper David is due on the 20th but I think he could appear at any time.

MarsGal, I haven' watched ship cams in quite a while.  Need to get back to that for the summer. Thanks for reminding me.



Marilyne, I have not moved in with Anne, whose house burned down.  I have moved in with Debi, the retired French teacher.  Debi lives in Edgewater on the Chesapeake Bay.  Edgewater is really just an extension of Annapolis.  Maryland is one of the smallest of all of these United States, and is almost cut in two by the beautiful Chesapeake.  Anne lives about a 45 minute drive away over on the Eastern Shore, commonly referred to in these here parts as the Easton Show.  Anne and Greg were finally able to move back into their sweet cottage about a month ago.  The rebuilding was a nightmare, as the insurance companies fought every request;  but all turned out well in the end.  Life is just not an easy roll, albeit we hope for an end to every type of difficulty and suffering.
 Good news is that the worst of my cold appears to be over.  The pounding headache has gone away, the constantly, and I do mean it was like a running bathtub, nose is a rare drip and everything seems to be more promising.


Callie, my granddaughter Kim lives in Yukon, while her sister Angela lives in Oklahoma City.  My memory of how things were has left me and moved into the mists of Time, as they rightly call them.  I think they went to school in Oklahoma and married into that state population, or something like that.


Good Morning everyone!  It's almost 7:00 here, and looks like it's going to be a beautiful day ahead.  The wind we had for a couple of days is gone, and left the air sparkling clear!  With everything in bloom, it's beautiful out there, and looks like I could reach right out and touch the Santa Cruz mountains! 

Callie - It did cross my mind that maybe the expectant mother was not Emily, but instead was Carson's SO.  I think it's wonderful, and I'm sure the whole family is excited about the pending arrival of Cooper David.  :love:

Mary Page -  It's wonderful that you have two of your daughters living right there on the Chesapeake Bay, and the third one is always ready to hop on a plane in  Kansas City and  come out to help.  Good to hear that your head cold didn't last long, an that you're feeling better.

MarsGal -  Thanks for the cam link to Pier 23 in San Francisco.  I just looked at it again this morning, and see that it's also nice and clear in the City this morning.  Blue sky and blue water!   It's been at least five years since I've been there and doubt if I will get up there again.  So nice to enjoy the sights from a different perspective - even  the bridge is in view.

More later .. . coffee is ready.


Happy Mother's Day to all.  Becky and Debi made me popover's, and I am floating in the clouds!


Good morning everyone.  Cold and windy here this morning.  Not looking like a very nice day, weatherwise.

Mars -  I just took a look at the Pier 23 cam link you posted last week.  Right now it's showing a street view, and all the walkers are bundled up against  the wind.  The temp says 52, which is probably about the same here.  We' re about 35 miles South of pier 23.

Another weekend is upon us  . . .  they surely do roll around quickly as we get older, don't they?  I hope you all have a nice one, regardless of weather and circumstances.


Good Morning!  As of yesterday afternoon...I'm a Great Grandmother for the first time!!!  Cooper David was born at 2:24 p.m.  Father is "Sir Carson", as I've called him on here.  Cooper weighed 7 lbs, 15 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long.  He is the 5th generation to be named David - although my husband was the only one who was/is called that.  Cooper's parents and the grandparents live about a 40 mile drive away. I'm guessing I'll meet him when uncle/aunt, who live across town from me, go out to see him.

Supposed to be in the 90's for temperature today. The weather can't make up its mind; it's a wonder we don't have pneumonia!!!