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"Cliff" ... Kelly's new puppy

Owner: Sandy
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Hi Larry
I had a lovely evening out with friends last night.  We had a lovely meal and the production at the theatre was superb.

I take Metformin and watch my diet, however, I have a problem with low numbers and have had very low numbers twice this week.


Mary Ann

Lsrry, thanks for the link to the games, but I want single free games that I can download and play offline.  I do not want to play games online.

I've showered and washed my hair and our outside temperature is about  50 degrees at 8:45 am which isn't bad.  I think we're to get in the high 60s or to 70 today.  The cat already wants to get on the porch and I'll probably let him go on the deck soon.

Tom got a medicine with codeine so I hope he slept last night.  I heard him get up once after he'd been asleep three or four hours, but that was to go to the bathroom, then I imagine  he went back to bed.  He hasn't come upstairs yet so I don't know how his night went.  It just doesn't do for both of us to be under the weather at the same time, however, I'm in better shape than he has been.

Mary Ann


The day outside is perfection.  Just what anyone in their right minds would order up for a celebration of any sort.  Our entire local family is on flight alert to hear that our over expected baby girl addition is finally and TRULY on her way at our local hospital maternity pavilion.  Pavilion:  that's what they call all the various wings of Anne Arundel Medical Center here in Annapolis these days.  And what is more, most of these so called pavilions are actually in separate but connected BUILDINGS!  That complex looks like a whole city unto itself.  And furthermore, it is all part of the Johns Hopkins complex located in nearby Baltimore.  Confused?  Well, join the club.

Bay waters are dazzling in the blazing sunlight.  So much so that it hurts to look at them.  Sailboats are out there looking just too beautifully enticing for words.  I slept in, and just finished my breakfast a little while ago.  Chip left yesterday for a long weekend.  Hugs to each of you, with wishes for a wonderful weekend.


Good Morning!

MaryPage, the rain has stopped and we are in cool but sunny times. The trees look ready to flash green but I have thought that before so we shall see. It, (the greening); can happen within an hour for miles and always seems such a surprise as if everything is on a timer.  I love your poetic descriptions!

MaryAnn, every game I listed for you can be downloaded and played off line. All or most of the store's games and software is yours to be used either on or offline.

Today will be another busy day here and downtown to I hope all will have another wonderful day!


Good morning.

Larry, I sent the Pogo guest pass to the email addy listed in your profile.  Let me know if you don't get it.  I hope Pat enjoys playing.

The weather has been fairly nice since the last storm Callie sent south and I then passed it on to Hal ;D. It's gray, gloomy and very humid now and predictions are 3-6 or more inches of rain between this afternoon and Monday morning.  I'm in for the duration and all I have to contend with are wet dogs and muddy floors.  They both want in at the same time and one gets by me while I'm drying off the other one :).

Have a good weekend.


Click for Arlington, TexasForecast


Good Morning, 
(almost afternoon,)
from the beautiful Rocky Coast,
of Maine.     Good weather ahead,
for the next 10 days.   Getting warmer,
sweater type weather predicted.  Hooray!

My son (the computer Guru) is coming over
to my home this week to get me set up
to go cable tv free.     I have been
fretting about it,  and having him by
myside will insure that it all
goes as smoothly as possible.

He actually used to work for the Time
Warner Cable Co,   so he knows
what he is doing,  instead of me
having to go it on my own.


All is well,  here. 
You all have a good day
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Quote from: Sandy on April 16, 2016, 12:02:53 PM
Good Morning,  (almost afternoon,)
from the beautiful Rocky Coast, of Maine.     Good weather ahead,
for the next 10 days.   Getting warmer, sweater type weather predicted.  Hooray!

My son (the computer Guru) is coming over to my home this week to get me set up
to go cable tv free.     I have been fretting about it,  and having him by
myside will insure that it all goes as smoothly as possible.

He actually used to work for the Time Warner Cable Co,   so he knows
what he is doing,  instead of me having to go it on my own.


All is well,  here. 
You all have a good day

Interesting, Sandy. Do keep us updated. I'd love to know how to cut off the thieves at FIOS.


MaryTX.  Gladly accept the light rain we are getting this morning.  Like you "they" are also saying 3-4 inches and possible severe storms tonight and tomorrow and even some rain on Monday.  So please keep the storms up there.  Actually I hope you all don't get any more severe weather. 


Hi Hal
How goes your day.



Just having a quite day , Kevin.
Wet day today, under a flash flood for next two days.

Mary Ann

Patricia, I'll go back and look at your list.

It's in the 70s here now.  I think I will go out on the deck with the cat.  He loves to be outside but I want to be out with him because I don't trust him alone.

Mary Ann


Hi Hal
Hoping you don't get any flooding. 

I have been out for much of the day, visiting family and we all had a lovely day.



Kevin pavement is dry, RADAR shows that we have lots of rain showers in the area but not hitting the ground, which isn't that unusual around here.


Good evening from snowy Colorado.

Our predicted spring storm started with rain last night, but turned to snow pretty quickly, so a good 6 inches had arrived when I got up this morning.  Now it has showed all day long so we have a good 13 to 15 inches now and it is still coming down.  We were watching the weather channel a few hours ago and they said Highlands Ranch, where I live had 3" of snow......  I do not know where they got that report, but it has to be wrong.  Bob has been out two times knocking snow off the tree limbs as they are so very heavy laidened. 

I made a big pot of chili and it sure hit the spot today.   Fire place is sure making it nice and cozy in here tonight. 

ANGELFACE, thank you for sharing the news from SHIRLEY regarding DANNY having a stroke.  I will certainly be holding him in my thoughts and prayers hoping the surgery will go well and be successful. 

MARYPAGE, how exciting.....your new lil babe is on the way. 

MARYANN, I do hope Tom is feeling much better.

I wish you all a good evening!  Sleep well.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


From Facebook;

Leo Powell
April 2 at 3:20am ·

Say you are an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself and the government says there is no Nursing Home care available for you. So, what do you do? You opt for Medicare Plan G.
The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Plan G) and one bullet. You are allowed to shoot one worthless politician. This means you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life where you will receive three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, a library, and all the Health Care you need. Need new teeth? No problem. Need glasses? That's great. Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart? They are all covered!

As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now! And, who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you they can't afford for you to go into a nursing home. And you will get rid of a useless politician while you are at it. And now, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any more income taxes!

Is this a great country or what? Now that I've solved your senior financial plan, enjoy the rest of your week!


Good Morning everyone



Hi everyone.  It is a beautiful and sunny Sunday morning.  However, I noticed in the weather reports that it is considerably warmer in Missouri and Iowa than we are here in the South.  However, we will warm up this afternoon.  I had a good nights sleep and our plans for today are primarily to go to Sunday School and Church and probably get something to eat before coming home.  I didn't accomplish anything special yesterday.  I have an HP printer that I have used remanufactured ink in for a long time.  Yesterday I had to change a couple of the cartridges and the printer locks up with the message about not being an HP cartridge.  So I put in two additional new ones with the same result.  The HP ink cartridges are about $60 for a set.  I am thinking seriously of getting a laser printer for black and white printing and guess I will have to bite the bullet and get a set of the expensive ink for color printing.  The other alternative is to just get a new combination printer. 

Kelly, my former neighbor had occasional bouts with very low sugar numbers, including one time when he was driving and his wife had to take control of the car.  He would just lose touch with reality until his sugar level was brought back up.  He used an insulin pump.  My daughter also had a few bouts with low numbers but usually the problem was the high numbers. 

MaryTX, I did get your email and thanks for sending it.  I forwarded it on to Pat and suggested she try it out and if she liked it I might subscribe to it for her.  However, she wasn't in favor of having a subscription but you never know.

Patricia, what a senior financial plan.  :)


Kelly, I ran across this little voiume in Project Gutenberg. I don't know if the link will work for you, but here goes. Manx Fairy Tales by Sophia Morrison  https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/51762

Morning Larry, I am just about to go out to do a little yardwork. I do mean little, my arthritis only allows for about an half-hour before my back starts giving me fits.


Good Morning Everyone,
from the Sunny and warmer,  Rocky
Coast of Maine.   

Lovely weather today and sun shinning
in my  windows,  really brightens up
my life.   

All of a sudden my printer wasn't
working with my Wifi...  So used my
AVG PC Tuneup and discovered that
a driver was faulty.   Tuneup went out
and found me a working one,  and
voila ... Wifi is now communicating
with my peripherals ...   Yeah!   

Love it when I can solve a problem! 

Have  a good day everyone! 
Beautiful time of the year.  Enjoy it!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


So gratified to hear you are pleased with your results, Sandy Dapph, but I don't understand a word of it.  Mebbe some of that language does not meet proper standards of decency?  Mebbe you should be washing your mouth out with soap?  Oh, it is just so hard not knowing what you are talking about!

But good on you.  I guess.


Quote from: MarsGal on April 17, 2016, 10:55:02 AM
Morning Larry, I am just about to go out to do a little yardwork. I do mean little, my arthritis only allows for about an half-hour before my back starts giving me fits.

It's interesting, isn't it MarsGal, what we think the human body can endure? But can't. Athletes are witness to that. I've been gardening - heavy gardening, digging and moving boulders out of the ground gardening on about a 1/4 of an acre - for 25 years. Never mind that most of what I've paid for and planted has died, that's another story, but this year I'm done. Well and truly done. Not because I want to be or because I'm not too stubborn to have tried ONE more plant that might not have died. But because I have developed arthritis in both thumbs, and even a gentle nudge of a trowel into the earth makes my eyes cross with pain.

So now I walk around the yard and watch, as more plants die and can't be replaced. And of course I won't pay to replace them, because landscapers are crooks. I know hindsight is 20-20, but were I to do it over again? I would have bought a condo instead of a house with a yard.

But hey, it could be worse.


Mom ....

I could say the same thing about
Accounting and Bookkeeping !

Since computers are what I know
and understand best!   

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good afternoon everyone, another beautiful day, with no wind.

Patricia, great reading. thanks I am there.

Deedee, I know what you are talking about with the thumbs, as I have basil cell arthitis in both.  cannot open jars, have to have neighbor do it.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Good morning....snow is still coming down and I can say that we have nearly 18" so far.  I hope it will start to taper off soon as the poor trees are really heavy laiden.  Many limbs have broken....so sad.  Bob continues to go out and shake off the really low ones. 

Enjoy a wonderful day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Mary Ann

Jenny, it is hard for me to realize you having over a foot of snow when we are having temperatures in the high 70s.  While it may be pretty , snow is very unwelcome at this time of the year. 

Dot and I did our usual Sunday activity â€" church, then OTB. 

Tom is still ailing but just left to go find something for breakfast.  He doesn’t feel like fixing something for himself and I don’t feel up to fixing something, either.  It doesn’t do for both of us to be ailing at the same time.

Larry, I have a black and white laser printer that I like very much.  I do not do any color printing.

Mary Ann


Oh, Sandy, you are so right!  We all have different talents, but still, I am in awe of your understanding of the world of computers.

I do love my color printer.  Have had one for over seven years now.  It has been essential in putting together my geography books, but oh so wonderful for printing out my favorites of the many pictures of the great grandchildren family members email me.  My fridge is practically papered with them.

Jenny, I have thought about you while watching the news of the April snows you are enduring.

WHAT is basil cell arthritis?  My thumbs are arthritic something fierce, and so I am interested in asking my rheumatologist about that!


The mother Eagle is still gone from the Nest leaving the 2 babies.  Been gone all day. Scary as last year I was watching one nest and another Eagle came and killed the young while the parents were gone.  They left it on for awhile showing it happening.  I suppose the babies are screeching right now. It looks like it. or the could be wanting to be fed.

Beautiful day here again. Had warm and sunshine for last 4 days. Hope it keeps it up.
Saw and heard that out North West they are having some really heavy snow storms.
Skiing should be still in full force . Made a lot of money this year.
The beach is showing really busy at Grand Surf today.  People in swim suits and in the water so you must be having it nice and warm also


Hi Everyone
Been out all day, must read the posts later as going to watch the English football highlights.



If you get HBO, this is the night they are showing CONFIRMATION at seven Eastern Time.  All about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas.  The critics are liking it.


I repeat:

"A terrible time in our history,  again!"


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan