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March 12, 2025, 11:47:40 AM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

avatar_Jeanne Lee

Flowers, Trees, Plants

Started by Jeanne Lee, April 26, 2016, 03:50:10 PM

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Jeanne Lee

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


My next door neighbor has planted a lot of local native plants, including an odd honeysuckle with red flowers.  They keep on blooming for most of summer, and the flowers are about two inches long.


How pretty. Very nice capture . :thumbup:

My photos which are very few are locked up in my corrupted hard drive. I am hoping my son might be able to retrieve them at some point
A true friend
Is the best possession


Here is a nice  photo of a flower. I have selected colour here

A true friend
Is the best possession

Jeanne Lee

Lovely, Beryl.  Great how selecting color makes the flower stand out from the background.

I sure hope your son can save all those photos now locked away in the bad drive.

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Thanks you Jeanne.

The chap at the shop couldn't. There aren't many but it was a struggle to get them .

I'm sure I will get most of my DATA back . My son won't be down for a while but others have done from a similar situation.
A true friend
Is the best possession